Morin Capsules (Morinda citrifolia extract or Bengal Quince KLO)

Product code: THKLOS-0036
1 480

Indication for use: allergies, type I and II diabetes mellitus, hyperuricemia, gout, chronic fatigue, atherosclerosis, oncoprotective for risk groups, hyperuricemia, chronic fatigue, atherosclerosis

Using as an adjuvant: arthritis, arthrosis, ankylosing spondylitis, HIV, AIDS, oncological disease of all body systems, menstrual irregularities, dysmenorrhea, painful menstruation, sleep disturbances, mental retardation, gastroenterocolitis, ulcerative colitis, flatulence

Therapeutic action: antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antipyretic, cholesterol inhibitor, anti-aging, immunomodulator, oncoprotector, removes uric acid, digestive processes catalyst, lowers cholesterol and blood glucose levels

Product composition:

1. Morinda Citrifolia Extract 200 mg.

2. Aegle marmelos Extract 300 mg.

Synonyms: noni, cheese fruit, Indian mulberry

Methods of administration and dosages: 2 tablets 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals

Contraindications \ Precautions: arrhythmia, individual intolerance to the drug, pregnancy, lactation, children under 12 years of age

Side effects: were not observed


Khaolaor Laboratory Morin Capsules Overview

Morinda Citrifolia is also called Indian Mulberry. The herbal drug is intended for the treatment of allergies, diabetes mellitus type I and II, hyperuricemia - which is an increased content of uric acid in the human body. Morinda Citrifolia has been used in Ayurvedic practice for several millennia to treat diseases, prolong longevity and rejuvenate the body at the intracellular level.

Numerous studies have been carried out in different countries of the world and the onco-protective properties of Morinda Citrifolia have been verified selectively for lung oncology. its positive effect on joint diseases, including arthritis, arthrosis and Bechterew's disease, have been also confirmed. The International Library of Medicine contains 20 studies on the effects of Morinda Citrifolia extracts on cancer cells. This Included a study on the effect of Morinda Citrifolia extract on Lewis lung carcinoma where positive results were obtained in the laboratory that were expressed in stopping the progress of the development of a malignant tumor and the mechanism of this effect was revealed, which consists in inhibition of the DNA adduct - that is, on the molecular level. This action is based on the polysaccharide substances of the plant, which actually prevent lung cancer, this was verified in laboratory tests on rodents, rodents suffering from cancer lived significantly longer. The herb is one of the most powerful antioxidants and immunomodulators of plant origin.

The composition of the herbal drug morin includes an extract of the plant Aegle Marmelos. In Ayurvedic medicine in India, Tibet, Nepal and Thailand, the plant is very popular and has been used since ancient times. In the Indian medical treatise Charaka Samhita, the plant is included in the top ten plants with the maximum healing effect - the so-called list of Damashuls.

Summarizing the above, the herbal drug is intended for the treatment of allergies, type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus, hyperuricemia, gout and chronic fatigue, as well as for rejuvenation at the cellular level and as a protector of lung cancer in risk groups. As an adjuvant herbal drug, it is used in the complex therapy of arthritis, arthrosis, ankylosing spondylitis, human immunodeficiency virus, lung oncology, menstrual disorders, painful menstruation, sleep disturbances, mental retardation, as well as gastroenterocolitis, ulcerative colitis and flatulence.

Contraindications \ Precautions: arrhythmia, individual intolerance to the drug, pregnancy and lactation, children under 12 years of age.

Using as a preventative measure: it is recommended for people over the age of 40 for rejuvenation at the cellular level, as an oncoprotector of the lung cancer in people who belong to risk groups, in particular for tobacco smokers and people who are in polluted environments. Take 1 capsule in the morning and before bedtime. The preventive course is 90 days a year.

As a therapeutic herbal drug, the dosage is 2-3 capsules 2 times a day in the morning after sleeping and in the evening before bedtime. The standard course in the treatment of allergies and diabetes is from 180 to 360 days. The dosage of the drug for lung cancer is determined individually.

Today I will present an herbal medicine which is composed from Morinda Citrifolia extract in combination with Aegle Marmelos extract under the brand name Morin, which contains 200 mg of Morinda Citrifolia extract and 300 mg of Aegle Marmelos extract, manufactured in the Kingdom of Thailand by Khaolaor Laboratory, established in 1929 and whose head office is located in Bangkok. The company is the leading manufacturer of ayurvedic medicines in Thailand. The company does not retail its herbal drugs and does not deliver them by postal services. You can buy this product from the distributor, the Asiabiopharm company on the website of the online store Postal delivery is carried out to most countries of the world.

Side effects: were not observed

Product type Capsules
Release form Capsule 500 mg
Packaging type Vial
Package quantity, PCs. 60
Length 60 mm
Height 95 mm
Width 60 mm
Weight, gross 65 g
Weight 65 g
Shelf life and storage conditions 2 years
Product classification Ayurvedic drugs
Made by Khaolaor Laboratories Co Ltd
Country of origin Thailand

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