Psoriasis Treatment Kit

Product code:
10 060

The psoriasis treatment kit contains:

- Plucaow Tablets 1pc

- K-CENLA Capsules (Centella Asiatica Extract) 1pc -

- Thunbergia Laurifolia Tablets 3pcs -

- Ointment (Psoriasis) 2pcs -

- Antipsoriasis Spray + Anti-eczema 2pcs -

- Turmeric based soap (Antipsoriasis) 2pcs -


A set of herbal drugs for the treatment of psoriasis, eczema and seborrheic dermatitis.

This set is designed to effectively cure the following diseases:

Eczema - is an acute or chronic (recurrent) non-infectious skin disease which is caused by serous inflammation of the predominantly papillary dermis and focal spongiosis of the prickly epidermis, it is manifested by a polymorphically itchy rash.

Psoriasis - is a chronic non-infectious disease that is essentially dermatosis, affecting mainly the skin. Psoriasis is divided into the following types: vulgar (simple, ordinary) or, in other words, plaque psoriasis, pustular psoriasis, teardrop-shaped, psoriasis of flexion surfaces, psoriatic arthritis, psoriatic erythroderma.

The application method of this set is universal, it is suitable for most of the patients suffering from psoriasis vulgaris, teardrop, psoriasis of the scalp, psoriasis of the flexor surfaces of mild and moderate severity. With psoriatic arthritis, spondylitis and psoriatic erythroderma, individual consultation is required in order to add some components to the treatment scheme.

The standard course of treatment is intended for 90 days and includes the following herbal drugs:

1. Centella Asiatica tablets. In the morning on an empty stomach take 1 tablet, take also 1 tablet at night before bedtime. When taken in powder form take 1 coffee spoon.

2. Plucaow Tablets. In the morning on an empty stomach take 1 tablet, take also 1 tablet at night before bedtime. When taken in powder form take 1 coffee spoon.

3. Thunbergia Laurifolia. Take 3 tablets 3 times a day between meals. When taken in powder form take 1 teaspoon.

4. Ointment based on an infuse of 5 plants: Indian Datura (Datura Metel), Winged Cassia (Senna Alata), Rhinacanthus Nasutus, Curcuma Longa and Stemona Collinsiae. Each evening, wash the affected area of the skin thoroughly using turmeric based soap with a washcloth that doesn’t cause any sense of pain. Then rub in a thin layer of ointment one hour before bedtime on all of the affected areas of the skin and a little beyond. It is advisable not to wear clothes so as not to remove the applied layer of ointment. For the scalp, wash with a turmeric based soap and then rub in the ointment on the scalp.

5. Antipsoriasis Spray based on 5 plants: Winged Cassia (Senna Alata), Cleome gigantea, Giant dodder (Cuscuta reflexa), cuttlebone extract (Cuttlebone), Stephania venosa. Apply after a morning shower with a turmeric based soap. The spray is applied on the affected skin areas on dry skin after morning showering.

6. Turmeric, also sometimes called curcuma long, based soap is produced by the Abhayhubedzhr hospital. It is designed to treat skin leisons.

It is necessary to understand that the amount of ointment and spray is calculated for an average lesion of the skin. When there are multiple lesions it is necessary to increase the amount of lotion, ointment and soap.

Plaque psoriasis, or psoriasis vulgaris, psoriasis simple, is the most common form of psoriasis. It is observed in 80-90% of all patients with psoriasis. Plaque psoriasis vulgaris most often manifests itself in the form of raised areas of inflamed, red, hot, covered with gray or silvery white, easily flaking, scaly, dry and thickened skin above the surface of the healthy skin. The red skin under the removable gray or silver layer is easily injured and bleeding occurs, this is because it contains a large number of small blood vessels. These areas of typical psoriatic lesions are called psoriatic plaques. Psoriatic plaques tend to grow in size, merge with adjacent plaques, forming whole plaque plates - the so-called "lakes of pus".

Flexor surface psoriasis, or as it is also called "inverse psoriasis", usually it looks like smooth, non-flaky or with minimal scaling, red inflamed spots that are not particularly protruding above the skin surface, located exclusively in the folds of the skin, with minimal or no damage to other skin areas. Most often, this form of psoriasis affects the folds in the genital area, in the groin, on the inner thighs, armpits, folds under the belly which are enlarged because of obesity - this is called psoriatic pannus, and on the folds of the skin under the mammary glands in women. This form of psoriasis is especially susceptible to aggravation from friction, skin trauma and sweat, and is often accompanied or complicated by a secondary fungal infection or streptococcal pyoderma.

Guttate psoriasis is characterized by the presence of a large number of small, raised above the surface of healthy skin, dry, red or lilac, up to purple, similar in shape to drops, tears or small dots, circles of lesions. These psoriatic elements usually cover large areas of the skin, most often the thighs, but can also be observed on the legs, forearms, shoulders, scalp, back, and neck. Guttate psoriasis often first develops or worsens after a streptococcal infection, typically after streptococcal sore throat or streptococcal pharyngitis.

Pustular psoriasis or exudative psoriasis is the most severe of the cutaneous forms of psoriasis and looks like bubbles or blisters raised above the surface of healthy skin, filled with uninfected, transparent inflammatory exudate - the so-called pustules. The skin under and above the surface of the pustules and around them is red, hot, swollen, inflamed and thickened, it easily exfoliates. Secondary infection of the pustules may occur, in such case the exudate becomes purulent. Pustular psoriasis can be limited, localized, with its most frequent localization being at the distal ends of the extremities (arms and legs), that is, the lower legs and forearms, this is called palmoplantar pustulosis. In other, more severe cases, pustular psoriasis can be generalized, with widespread pustules over the entire surface of the body and a tendency to merge into larger pustules. In this case it is necessary to add to the treatment set the following herbs Reishi mushroom spores and Cordyceps V.

Nail psoriasis, or psoriatic onychodystrophy leads to a variety of changes in the appearance of the nails on the fingers or toes. These changes can include any combination of discoloration of the nails and the nail bed (yellowing, whitening or graying), the appearance of dots on and under the nails, blemishes, cross-striation of the nails, thickening of the skin under and around the nail bed, delamination and thickening of the nail, complete loss of nails (onycholysis) or the development of increased fragility of the nails. In this case, it is necessary to add Colla 500 and Cordyceps V to the treatment scheme.                                       

Psoriatic arthritis or psoriatic arthropathy or arthropathic psoriasis is accompanied by inflammation of the joints and connective tissue. Psoriatic arthritis can affect any joints, but most commonly it affects the small joints in the distal phalanges of the fingers and or toes. This typically causes a sausage-like swelling of the fingers and toes known as psoriatic dactylitis. Psoriatic arthritis can also affect the hip, knee, shoulder, and vertebral joints - this is called psoriatic spondylitis. Sometimes psoriatic arthritis of the knee or hip joints, and especially psoriatic spondylitis, is so severe that it leads to the disability of the patient, inability to move without assistance and or special devices and can even turn someone into a bedridden. Mortality rates in these most severe forms of psoriatic arthritis increase, since the immobilization of the patient in bed contributes to the occurrence of pressure ulcers and pneumonia diseases. Approximately 10-15 percent of psoriasis patients also have psoriatic arthritis. In this case, it is necessary to add Tal Val Paeng and Kolla 500 to the treatment scheme.                                                                                              

Psoriatic erythroderma, or erythrodermic psoriasis, is manifested in widespread, often generalized inflammation and peeling, skin detachment on the entire or on a large part of the skin surface. Psoriatic erythroderma may be accompanied by intense skin itching, swelling of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, and skin soreness. Psoriatic erythroderma is often the result of an exacerbation of psoriasis vulgaris, as a result of a provocation by alcohol, neuropsychic stress, intercurrent infections - in particular, colds. This form of psoriasis can be fatal because the extreme inflammation and scaling or sloughing of the skin disrupts the body's ability to regulate body temperature and the barrier function of the skin, which can be complicated by generalized pyoderma or sepsis. Despite this limited or localized psoriatic erythroderma may even be the first symptom of psoriasis, subsequently transforming into plaque psoriasis vulgaris. In this case, it is necessary to add to the treatment scheme Reishi mushroom spores and Kolla 500.                                                       

Types of eczema:

True eczema, or as it is called - idiopathic, is characterized by acute inflammatory edematous erythema, followed by a rash of a group of tiny gray papules or vesicles - microvesicles, which quickly open without having time to take shape. In place of rapidly opened seropapules and vesicles, point erosions, the so-called serous wells, are exposed, from the depths of which serous exudate is released, forming a richly weeping surface. Gradually, the serous fluid dries up, forming grayish-yellow crusts, under which epithelialization occurs. Thus, during the course of eczema, the stages are clearly pronounced - erythematous, papulovesicular, weeping and cortical. Due to the undulating development of the process, all primary elements - erythema, seropapules and vesicles - act simultaneously, creating one of the most characteristic signs of eczema - evolutionary polymorphism. The transition of an acute course into a chronic one occurs gradually and is expressed in increasing infiltration, thickening of the affected area of the skin and strengthening of the skin pattern, which is called lichenification. The color of the skin takes on a more stagnant character; on the surface, in addition to crusts, significant peeling appears. Along with these non-acute inflammatory symptoms, the appearance of fresh seropapules and vesicles continues with the formation of weeping "serous wells" and serous crusts. Such an alternation of acute inflammatory and infiltrated manifestations is characteristic of the course of true eczema, which is always accompanied by severe itching, which increases with the exacerbation of the process. Foci of eczema do not have clear boundaries. Relatively rarely, the process is limited to one area. The process begins mostly with the face, hands and can spread throughout the skin.

The rashes are symmetrical in nature with a tendency to spread to the skin of the upper, lower extremities and torso. Patients are concerned about itching of varying intensity, contributing to the development of neurotic disorders with symptoms of sleep disturbance up to insomnia. As the inflammatory phenomena characteristic of the eczematous process decrease, weeping is replaced by the formation of crusts, scales, the appearance of peeling and secondary pigment-vascular or depigmented spots, which gradually disappear.

There may be pockets of dryness and peeling of the skin with the formation of cracks in the stratum corneum. With a long chronic course of eczema, calloused hyperkeratotic formations with cracks sometimes appear on the palms and soles. Often, the course of eczema is complicated by the addition of a pyogenic infection: pustules and purulent crusts appear.

The acute process which has just started gradually turns into a chronic disease which can last for years.

Microbial eczema develops at the site of chronic foci of pyoderma: around infected wounds, trophic ulcers, fistulas, abrasions, scratches. Acute inflammatory, sharply demarcated, large and large scalloped foci are formed with a well-formed, torn off stratum corneum along the periphery, which is what was left after streptococcal conflicts. In addition to seropapules and papulovesicles, weeping erosions, a massive layer of purulent crusts forms on the surface of the foci. The arrangement is continuous, without layers of healthy skin. The foci are prone to peripheral growth. Around them on an outwardly healthy skin weed outs are often visible, this are individual small pustules, dry scaly foci of pityriasis simplex type. The number and prevalence of weed outs varies significantly. The process is accompanied by itching. The focus of microbial eczema is initially asymmetric and often located in the lower extremities.

A variety of microbial eczema is the so-called coin-shaped (nummular), or plaque, eczema. It is characterized by the formation of sharply demarcated lesions of rounded outlines 1-3 cm in size. On their edematous-hyperemic surface, there is an abundant weeping, layering of serous-purulent crusts. Most often, nummular eczema is localized on the upper limbs, but in some cases the process can become widespread. Irrational treatment of microbial eczema or traumatization of its foci is accompanied by the appearance of secondary allergic rashes - microbids or allergides. In the period of a progressive course, secondary rashes merge, disseminate with the formation of a significant number of weeping erosive areas. In such cases, the transformation of microbial eczema into a true one occurs. Varieties of microbial eczema are also paratraumatic (near-ear) and varicose eczema. In this case, it is necessary to add two components to the treatment scheme - Reishi mushroom spores and Bosenbergia Rotunda.                                                       

Mycotic eczema is a form of eczema that results from an allergy to fungal infections. One of the links in the pathogenesis of mycotic eczema is the formation of allergens to a fungal infection. The lesion combines both the features of eczema and the main mycotic process. Morphologically, mycotic eczema is characterized by a sharp limitation and round or large scalloped outlines, skin erythema, the appearance of vesicles and pustules that form weeping areas with sharply defined edges. Mycotic infections aggravate the course of chronic dermatoses, contribute to the development of resistance to treatment, therefore, it is necessary to carefully examine patients with chronic dermatoses for fungal infections and, if they are detected, to carry out an adequate antimycotic therapy.

Often, eczema is treated with hormonal ointments, and this worsens the situation, since fungi multiply more actively and mutate under the influence of hormones. In the case of mycotic eczema, it is necessary to take Bosenbergia Rotunda orally and add it to the treatment scheme.

Seborrheic eczema develops in patients with seborrhea in the so-called seborrheic places. They are localized mainly in areas of the skin rich in sebaceous glands: the scalp, auricles, in the sternum, between the shoulder blades, in the nasolabial and nasolabial folds. The lesions are plaques formed from erythematous-scaly spots with confluent yellowish-brown miliary papules. These eruptions merge with each other and form annular, garland-like outlines.

Occupational eczema occurs as a result of exposure to occupational pathogenic factors in workers and employees of individual industries. In this case, it is necessary to double the intake of the Thunbergia Laurifolia component.

Dyshidrotic eczema is localized on the palms and soles, where, due to the thickness of the stratum corneum of the epidermis, the erythematous stage is weakly expressed, but well-formed "sago grains" predominate. Bubbles either open, turning into erosion, or dry up into layered serous-purulent crusts, sometimes merge into large multi-chamber blisters. Gradually increasing, the focus of dyshidrotic eczema can spread to the back of the hands, feet and other parts of the upper and lower extremities. In such cases, transformation into idiopathic eczema occurs with the formation of microvesicles, weeping, "serous wells". In many patients, dyshidrotic eczema is accompanied by trophic changes in the nails. In this case, it is necessary to additionally treat the affected skin areas with an antifungal herbal drug.

Tilotic (horny, corn-like) eczema, as well as dyshidrotic, is limited to the area of the palms and soles. The erythematous stage is slightly expressed due to the thickened stratum corneum, which is especially hyperplastic with the formation of areas of hyperkeratosis in the form of calluses in place of the bubble elements. Since the eczematous process in any of its clinical varieties is a systemic disease it often appears simultaneously with skin rashes. In this case, it is necessary to add a special cream based on Centella Asiatica and Phyllanthus Emblica to the treatment scheme.

Varicose eczema. The occurrence of the disease is facilitated by a varicose symptom complex in the lower extremities. It is localized in the area of dilated veins, on the circumference of varicose ulcers, areas of skin sclerosis. Factors favoring the development of the disease are injuries, hypersensitivity to drugs used to treat varicose ulcers, skin maceration when bandages are applied. Polymorphism of elements, sharp, clear boundaries of foci, moderate itching are characteristics makes varicose eczema clinically similar to microbial and paratraumatic eczema. In this case, it is necessary to add Colla 500 to the treatment scheme.

Sycosiform eczema. It can be observed in people suffering from sycosis complicated by eczematization. These patients develop follicular pustules, penetrated in the center by hair, recurrent and located on inflamed skin, those are the symptoms of sycosis. Sycosiform eczema is characterized by a process that goes beyond the limits of hair grow, the presence of eczematous wells, weeping and severe itching. The skin becomes lichenified; follicles appear continuously. The localization of the process is on the upper lip, beard, armpits, and pubis. In this case, it is necessary to add to the treatment scheme the Reishi mushroom spores herb.

Eczema of the nipples and pigment circle in women. It is characterized by a focal point of crimson color, in places it is covered with a layering of crusts and crusty scales, accompanied by weeping and cracks. The process has sharply contoured outlines and a very persistent course. Often, eczema of the breast nipples is a consequence of trauma when feeding a child or the result of a complication of scabies. In this case, it is necessary to add the herb Kurkusan to the treatment scheme.

Weight, gross 1150 g
Weight 1150 g
Shelf life and storage conditions 2 years
Product classification Ayurvedic drugs
Country of origin Thailand

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